Hospital architecture in Portugal at the dawn of Modernity:
identification, characterization and contextualization

13.ª International Network for the History of Hospitals Conference
The International Network for the History of Hospitals (INHH) and ‘Hospitalis: Hospital Architecture in Portugal at the Dawn of Modernity’ and ‘Royal Hospital of All Saints: city and public health’ research projects are pleased to announce the call for papers for Space and the Hospital. The conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 26-28 May 2021.
Space, in both its physical and conceptual manifestations, has been a part of how hospitals were designed, built, used, and understood within the wider community. By focusing on space, this conference aims to explore this subject through the lens of its architectural, socio-cultural, medical, economic, charitable, ideological, and public conceptualisations.
The Conference will be broadcasted by the YouTube Channel of the CHAM – Centre for the Humanities

International Symposium «The Testimony of History: to live and overcome the epidemic in the present»
International Symposium (online)
June 18-19, 5:30-7:00 p.m. (Lisbon time)
This seminar aims to be a space for knowledge sharing on the theme of epidemics, in different geographical contexts, national and foreign, limited to the Middle and Early Modern Ages, seeking to establish a bridge between the past and the present. It will be held in two days and consists of brief presentations (10 min.) carried out by invited researchers, followed by debate, and open to all those interested in participating.
The event will be broadcast on CHAM’s YouTube channel.
To download the poster click here.
HOSPITALIS – Hospital architecture in Portugal at the dawn of Modernity: identification, characterization and contextualization
Scheduling: October, 1 de 2018 to September, 30 de 2021
Brief Description
“HOSPITALIS – Hospital architecture in Portugal at the dawn of Modernity: identification, characterization and contextualization” is a research project that intends to globally and systematically study the phenomenon of the Portuguese hospital architecture, from the end of the 15th century to the middle of the 16th century, and to propose methods of dissemination and valuing this patrimonial typology.
The hospitals, having constituted a network due to the social role that they played in the society that dawned Modernity and because of the architectural particularity of having allied a strongly functional aspect to the aesthetic component, are a very relevant object of study.
However, the theme of medieval and modern Portuguese hospital architecture is practically unheard-of in the context of Portuguese art historiography. For this reason, there is the need to study the number of existing and subsisting specimens, their architectonic and artistic characteristics, their patrons and masters/architects, and their relationship with other architectural typologies.
The project “HOSPITALIS – Hospital architecture in Portugal in the dawn of Modernity: identification, characterization and contextualization” aims to study, in a global and systematic manner, the phenomenon of hospital architecture built in Portuguese territory during the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age (between 15th and 16th centuries), and to serve as a methodology for patrimonial valorisation that encompasses several stages: inventory, characterization, analysis, virtualization, contextualization and dissemination.
The topic of Portuguese hospital architecture is virtually unexplored and absolutely unprecedented for the chronological segment addressed by the, a period crucial to the understand the evolution of health and care. Similarly, the systematic and global approach to the research topic is equally pioneer, as will be revealed in the literature review.
The exact number of these buildings is still unknown, as a simple inventory is still undone. However, given the major relevance of hospital institutions in medieval and pre-modern societies, we believe that they formed a broad network spread throughout the territory. Therefore, they figure as a very interesting research topic, also because they conjugate a proponent functional part with the artistic-architectural one. The architectural traces that still exist should number around the three dozen, and represent the main aesthetical movements of the epoch and the local artistical dynamics. Alongside these, there is another set of buildings that, due to several circumstances, no longer exist. However, we possess records with their description, which allows us to operate their virtual reconstitution and, in this way, contribute to a more exact definition of the panorama of hospital architecture in the dawns of modernity.
The study will be initiated by a comprehensive survey that seeks to list the several buildings with hospital functions, followed by the individualization of buildings that have earned their place as autonomous architectural units with record and/or material evidence. These buildings will be identified and analysed individually, regardless of the institutions that guard and/or manage them. The aim is to perceive the global characterization of the architectural and artistic traits of this architectural type, relating them not only to functional and aesthetic criteria, but also to the evolution of the concept of care, daily administration, and exercise of medicine and nursing. A second goal is to position it in the framework of south European health architecture.
Therefore, by approaching hospital architecture in Portugal as a total and multidimensional phenomenon, we expect to further the knowledge and boost the valorisation of the history of architecture and of Portuguese heritage, in comparison with the European reality, and to enable its assertion as a potential asset for dissemination, heritage appreciation and touristic diversity.

General Objectives
Provide thorough and in-depth knowledge about the phenomenon of hospital architecture built in Portugal during the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age; this knowledge will allow the integration of this national reality in a European context of Mediterranean incidence.
Contribute to the reflection on the architecture of Portuguese hospitals in a globalizing perspective, starting from the characterization of the hospital space and focusing on the analysis and characterization of the hospital as an autonomous architectural unit.
Enable the identification and valuation of heritage assets existing in Portugal of assistential nature, in general, and hospital assets, in particular; the production of scientific knowledge should serve as a support for conservation, valuation and dissemination of the remaining hospital assets, promoting their public access through musealization or interpretation of this heritage.
Specific Objectives
Identify spaces with hospital functions existing in Portugal between the 15th and 16th centuries, in order to define different typologies and characterize them.
Provide a historical-architectural analysis of hospital buildings, which are autonomous architectural units, where material and/or documental sources for analysis exist: mapping, institutional characterization, historical review, and functional and aesthetic characterization.
Systemize the characteristics of Portuguese hospital architecture and frame the analysis in context of the main problems that characterise it: functionality, aesthetics, architectural culture, patronage, history of medicine and nursing, theory and practice of assistance, worship and spirituality, administration and management, everyday life and social practices, and institutional identity.
Frame hospital architecture produced in Portugal in the context of its European counterparts; seek convergences and divergences in order to define identity forms of Portuguese architecture.
Create a corpus of the buildings to be analysed in this project, integrating historical-artistic, documental, graphical, iconographical and cartographical elements, including documental virtual reconstructions.
Promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge, namely by digitally providing some of the products resulting from this project and providing materials accessible to a non-specialized audience.
Joana Balsa de Pinho (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) (RIC)
Fernando Grilo (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) (Co-RIC)
Ana Valéria Barro (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil)
Antoni Conejo da Pena (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain)
Augusto Moutinho Borges (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Beatriz Lobato (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil))
Bernardo d’Orey Manoel (Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Portugal)
Cybelle Salvador Miranda (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil)
Danielle Abdon (Temple University, USA)
Fernando Villaseñor (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain)
Lina Oliveira (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Patrícia Alho (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Pol Bridgewater (Universidad de Barcelona, Espanha)
Raúl Villagrasa (CSIC, Spain)
Renato Pistola (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Ricardo J. Nunes da Silva (Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco/Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Vera Magalhães (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)
Angela Madrid y Medina (CECEL – CSIC/UNED, Espanha)
Annemarie Kinzelbach (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Fabio Gabbrielli (Uiniversità di Siena, Italy)
Isabel dos Guimarães Sá (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
John Henderson (Birkbeck – University of London, England)
Maria Antónia Lopes (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)
Michele Peregrini (Uiniversità di Siena, Italy)
Patrícia Monteiro (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Renato Gama Rosa (Fiocruz, Brazil)
Renato Marques de Carvalho (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil)

Host institution
IECCPMA – Instituto Europeu de Ciências da Cultura Padre Manuel Antunes
Associated institution
ARTIS – Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Collaborating institutions
CIDH – Cátedra Infante D. Henrique para os Estudos Insulares Atlânticos e a Globalização (universidade Aberta, Portugal)
CITAD – Centro de Investigação em Território, Arquitectura e Design (Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Portugal)
CLEPUL – Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas e Europeias (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
LAMEMO – Laboratório de Memória e Património Cultural (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil)
Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa sobre el Arte Tardogótico
Book Redes hospitalarias: historia, economía y sociología de la sanidad
The book Redes hospitalarias: historia, economía y sociología de la sanidad, edited by Institución Fernando el Católico, in 2018 is available for download here: https://ifc.dpz.es/
13.ª International Network for the History of Hospitals Conference
The International Network for the History of Hospitals (INHH) and ‘Hospitalis: Hospital Architecture in Portugal at the Dawn of Modernity’ and ‘Royal Hospital of All Saints: city and public health’ research projects are pleased to announce the call for papers for Space and the Hospital. The conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 26-28 May 2021.
Space, in both its physical and conceptual manifestations, has been a part of how hospitals were designed, built, used, and understood within the wider community. By focusing on space, this conference aims to explore this subject through the lens of its architectural, socio-cultural, medical, economic, charitable, ideological, and public conceptualisations.
The Conference will be broadcasted by the YouTube Channel of the CHAM – Centre for the Humanities
International Symposium «The Testimony of History: to live and overcome the epidemic in the present»
International Symposium (online)
June 18-19, 5:30-7:00 p.m. (Lisbon time)
This seminar aims to be a space for knowledge sharing on the theme of epidemics, in different geographical contexts, national and foreign, limited to the Middle and Early Modern Ages, seeking to establish a bridge between the past and the present. It will be held in two days and consists of brief presentations (10 min.) carried out by invited researchers, followed by debate, and open to all those interested in participating.
The event will be broadcast on CHAM’s YouTube channel.
To download the poster click here.
Hospitals and the Universe of Writing (15th-16th centuries)
El proyecto Scripta manent. Conservar para dominar: el archivo nobiliario de los Velasco (HAR2016-77423-R) organiza el día 19 de noviembre de 2019 el seminario “Hospitals and the Universe of Writing (15th-16th centuries)” en el que intervendrán Nicole R. Rice (St. John’s University-Nueva York) y Salvatore Marino (Universidad de Barcelona).
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/ART-HIS/30808/2017)