On 2 and 3 October, will be held in Lisbon University,  School of Arts and Humanities (Auditorium 3), the II International Colloquium on Assistance Architecture: Hospitals and other health buildings – from Modernity to Modernity.

The event, organized under the project «Hospitalis – Hospital Architecture in Portugal in the dawn of Modernity: identification, characterization and contextualization» (PTDC / ART-HIS / 30808/2017), follow the I Colloquium held in 2015, is promoted by the Research Office Misericórdias and Similar Institutions: Assistance, Heritage and Culture, from CLEPUL – Centre for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures of the University of Lisbon, along with the Research Group Architecture, Memory and Ethnography of the Federal University of Pará, certified by CNPq.

Thematic panels

Thematic panels to be considered, although not exclusively, are as follows:

– historical background

– typologies of healthcare architecture

– aesthetics versus functionality in architecture

– patrons and sponsors

– circulation and appropriation of architectural models

– science and healthcare

– artistic geographies

– plastic arts and architecture


To see the final program click here.


Organizing institutions

ARTIS – Institute of Art History, FLUL

CLEPUL – Centre for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures, FLUL

European Institute of Cultural Sciences Padre Manuel Antunes

Laboratory of Memory and Cultural Heritage, UFPA

Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism, UFPA


Associated institutions

CIDH – Chair Infante Dom Henrique for Atlantic Island Studies and Globalization


Submission of communication proposal

Send an abstract of 500 words maximum and a curricular note of 200 words maximum to: arquitectura.assistencial@gmail.com.

Deadline: July 15






Registration form.

Information about payments: €20

N.B.: Indicate in the comment box “II Colóquio ArqAssist + NAME”


1) Bank transfer:

Bank  account – 071.10.009246-0

IBAN: PT50.0036.0071.9910.0092.4607.1



2) Paypal, email the request to ieccpma@gmail.com

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